This week is Social Media Optimization (SMO for short) week at Artfire. The first installment of information is on blogging and what makes a good and interesting blog. Here is the list of 8 things to remember when you are writing your blog. Here is a brief summary:
- Be genuine. Write about things that interest you or that you love and enjoy.
- Be real. Add personal touches to let the readers know the person behind the blog.
- Have a goal. It can be as simple as "informing my readers" or "thought provoking".
- Use pictures. Even the most interesting newspaper articles have pictures.
- Keep it fresh. Update often with new an fun material.
- Keep it Brief. Usually around 500 words is a reasonable length.
- Preview your post. By doing this you can catch any errors and fix them before going public.
- Engage your readers. you can do so by things such as "part 2 coming soon" or"sign this petition" or ask for comments.
We always try to do all of the above but there is always room for improvement and we will certainly try to do so in the future.
Part 2 coming soon!